Examination And Promotions
- To make students study regularly to prepare comfortably
and reduce the examination phobia we have introduced
three Periodic tests in each subject in the academic
session 2017-18 carrying 10 marks in each subject for
Classes I to XII.
- For Periodic notebook submission 5 marks is alloted and
this will cover regularity, assignment completion
neatness and upkeep of note book.
- For subject enrichment activity 5 marks is alloted which
includes speaking listening skill, practical Lab work, map
work and Project work of respective subject.
- At the end of the academic session there will be an
annual examination for 80 marks in each subject
covering 100% syllabus of the subject for classes I to IX
and XI.
- Board will conduct annual examination for classes X to XII.
- Co scholastic assessment of the students will be done
in the areas of work education, art education and health
and physical education.